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Not bad

First it was a great idea for a flash nice job. Not my favorite of your work you have yet to match your past work. Some things that I would like to talk to you about first off is your character drawings. They're really lacking I know drawings on a flash is harder than on a piece of paper, but there isn't much you can do unless you want to buy all this hardware, but enough about that I'm getting off track here. Some of the things could have been drawn better like the drill, and the high speed event when he was flying through space. Other than that I think it was a clever idea. One thing that doesn't fit well with reality, well first you could never turn earth into a car, but when the earth dodged a meteor a car rose up then crashed back down and blew up. Now that would never happen do to the a thing I like to call "gravity", but it's your flash not mine so. It basically is what would happen if the world was going to end people would start to get scared and there would be an old guy holding a sigh say "repent" hey my names repent nice. I lost my thought so I'm going to wrap this up with a thumbs up and can't wait to see what else you got for me to enjoy.


Not bad a little bit better than one, but all in all very good. I forgot this in the last review you really need to slow down the dialoge box please I can't read what your text. A little disapointing at the end that was kind fo wierd to end it like that I would suggest you ended it like that. Now I would suggest you add something else after Scorpion dies not just them shaking hands cause I don't even know who that guy was so it was kind of a wierd thing for me and some other people who don't know who he is. Now I don't know if I asked in the last review, but that in the hell are those little dots that fly everywhere when someone makes conteact? Is that from SF? Also another quesiton where did you get those sprites? I've found SF, but not many MK sprite sheets.
Animation: Well to start off your animation of the characters and your extras was excellent I have know problem with that. You didn't go as accessive with the slowmo thank you I was kind of annoyed with it on the last one. If you can rip sprites than I suggest a newer version of MK it would be a little bit better in quality for both character fighting together just a suggestion.
Style: I still think it is still original and I would like to offer my services if you need some help. I would like to see you go somewhere else with the SF vs. MK try different characters not the main guy for SF try Blanka or something like that. I would like to see a SF vs MK tornment if you could do that. Have basicaly matches between SF and MK to face each other and to have their realm safe or something like that have them fight for their realm. I would like to see you use SF backround next time the guys look kind fo wierd fighting in those areas for some reaso to me. Sound: I felt that your music fit in each scenes very well done. Your cobat sound bits fit and on que so really not much to do on sound. Well I would like to know where you get the combat bits.
As I said I'll be willing to help if needed just ask. I really behoove you to slow down the dialoge boxes so people can read them in time. I can't wait to see your next submission and I'll be happy to review it.

Recent Game Reviews

76 Game Reviews

Well it's not like it hasn't been done before.

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Not bad

Well you know not much originality there, but it's still was pretty good. A few suggestions though. Try and make your menu and upgrade buttons a little bit more proffesioninal what I mean by that is you boxes just seemed very poorly done. Your animation of the first person veiw was ok I mean doesn't take much animation on a first person view, but that your action scripting skill are still better than mine so you know I can't argue with that. Your intro was not the way to go, 3D please don't. Just try and draw the chracter the three d version was just off big time, but then 3d is very hard to do. I did like the end of the intro how you zoomed into his eye and that's were your symbol came from I did like that. Ok now I'm going to talk about the game in general. As I said earlier not very original, but you still did a good job not the best nor the worst. I think your upgrade choices were fantastic most people focused on spells, and people, health, defense and what ever else people have. You did something that is historily correct well some of it at least. Your invading characters could have been dressed atleast I mean don't have then running at you grey and naked even though it's in a first person view you still need more creativity in your invading characters. Also your castle could have been better drawn not much to it is there. Well I would like to see your updated version of this and I hope that you keep at it my friend and good luck.

Arclite83 responds:

Thanks for the compliments: Let me just respond to a few parts.

The intro is 'me', recorded with a camcorder and drawn over. It was essentially a test for the cutscenes for BattleMage, and I liked it so I kept it as my logo. The BM Scenes will all be in a similar style.
I'm glad you liked to upgrades; I just made a big list and chose the ones I thought would be the 'neatest' to use.
The invaders are simplistic, I know; hence the game only took a week. I focused more on the actionscript than anything else, and the earlier enemies purposely go straight in (the fliers 'arc' in perpendicular to their rotation, and their 'facing' compensates based on that). Some aren't dressed because they're shadows; incorporeal.
As fo rthe rest of the artwork; eh, I'm an engineer, not an artist. Art's always been my weak point, but I'd like to think I've developed an interesting 'simplistic' style for this game.
Thanks for the review, and look for BattleMage coming soon!

Very Good

Well I must say a very good job on this game. I would like to see the final version of this, and some added things that you might think of. First off a very good idea not all that original, but still not seen much here on NG. There are some bugs that I think you know about already , but I'm still going to point them out for you. When you clicked on certaion pplots of land near the edges some of the options for the piece of land that you clicked on you couldn't see half the page I don't know why I'm going to guess I think it's because of the mana book expands just about were the scroll cuts off so I suggest you fix that. Not all that complicated you know I would like to see you make like different types of game play you know. How far can you get in this many days and have it be fair gameplay so what you do is you restric the time mana thing so no one can cheat. Have a regular game play and then have a one were you are competing with other places have like a contest on who can build theirs faster I would also suggest that on that game play that you add some troops to affect what the others are doing you know the whole Civilization game idea were you need to survive. I suggest music on the game play not just in the intro I mean that little sword sound bit you had can stay, but when you had it naked like that it just fit in very well and it kind of got on my nerves every five seconds you would hear it. The intro music was not bad, but for a game like this you want to go with a netrual song type nothing too fast or too slow. I would give you the site here, but I can't so I don't know what I'll do to help you fix that. Oh I forgot also try and fit in an option menu like if they want good quality or good game play wich is kind of one affects the other. On your final version I would like to see you get rid of all the extra stuff that you had in the window of game play and just have a bigger piece of land or just an enlarged plot of land either is fine with me as long as it has the affect that it's bigger. I can't wait to see the final version and can't wait to ee what else you'll think of and I'll be waiting to review them.

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Tush people

People it's Tush as in ass not touch.
I'm looking for touch come one people.


Come on people it's smoking jesus learn your music

There is no rest without vengeance

Age 37, Male


San Antonio,Tx

Joined on 1/28/05

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