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Well I didn't like this episode much. The idea wasn't a great one I don't think you should try that again. The animations are still neither the less. If you could keep this up that would be great and if you need a stroy-line email me and I will think of something for you.


Another funny ass episode. It just keep getting better and better. I meant to tell you in the first episdoe review that your title opening is very good I like your music choice the jazz. The animations is the same awesome as the same as the drawings. I like what you did with the badger and mushroom song it was creative.


Yes another hilarious episode of Evil Josh & Billy. I liked the story-line for this episode but not that much. The whole JC thing was inapropriate. Because most people don't like JC in the first place so why have him be that guy. I have to comend you for you animations skills also your character drawings are awesome as well.

Very Good

Man this was funny I really like your saeries you got going keep it up. The animations of the characters were awesome and the character drawing were great too. The stroy-line for this episode was very funny I liked it a lot. I will watch all of the episodes and I will give you a review for each one.


I am very impressed on how close you got to the actual cartoon. The character drawings look almost alike one minor flaw though the rocket was a big point out.But that's good that way they won't blow the whistle on it. The animations were very good I would like to see you put out more WC and RR flashes.


I liked the first one better due to the fact that it didn't have the fire balls and ice things in it. Those objects just made it worse that it was. There wasn't as much fighting as the first one maybe because you already gutted the guy and rip-off his arm in stuff so I guess there wasn't much lef to do.


Very nice flash. I can't wait to see what going to happen in the next chapters. I really like the clay figure it's pretty good. Also the voices of the characters are good too. I really like this idea I can't believe that no one has already done it before y'all.


I don't see how this got passed judgment but I guess it is something for me to review. The animations are poor and so was the character drawings. The characters voices were poor the sound quality was poor in general. You need to work on your ideas for a while. Why don't you get a friend to help you with the flash.


Please Please put your story into an animation flash. I really like the idea for it it's just that it isn't an actual flash. I still like the music. What I have read so far is very interesting if you could email me your whole story I would like that. Because I don't think that your work will get passed any more.


Why do you just eneter your story instead of an animations?
You should make your story into a flash. It's good story I'll tell you that I would like to see what else you got. Just make it in motion next time. Good choice in music it's very wierd I've never heard it before.

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