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Really you started out with a great idea, but you lost me some where. I really didn't get what this one was about. The backround music and all the little sound bits were ok. You animation this time was off you have yoshi guys still running onn the edge of the screen you need to go back and fix that.


Well you did great on this one a very good idea. You still made it short, but this time way too short this didn't seem like it lasted for 20 seconds. The backround music was good I think what you did to notify that sombody else is talking that little sound difference was good. What was with the little mario hanging from the celling a purpple little marion at that was he supposed to be the disco ball or something? The dino part was cool I liked the sound bit that you used for it.

Needs work

Well better than some of your other submissions, but still not that great. You could have used some backround music it seemed so boring with out music the mics sounds were on cue and good quality. The animations was great. Still a bit too short you could have made at least three two minutes longer than what it was.


Well I don't even get it really maybe I'll have to watch it again, but it was still to short. The sound of mario bothered the hell out of me oh and maybe I'm not the only one that realized this but why did you use those sound bits those arn't even from that game? Well for the most part animation of the characters was good I didn't see any frame-by-frame there.


Not much to say I mean how are you going to suggest anything about this one. The begining could use some work I have some explosion sprites better than metal slug I think that's what I say. The whole bomb thing is not needed nor is the iland thing. The tutorial was good not something that hasn't already been done before in newgrounds flash help section. What were you suing? You should probably lable what type of flash maker you were using so people that have the same system could do exactly what you did.

It's ok

Well nothing really too great. You should have animated the sprites rather than just rotating them. Sound was good I didn't find anything wrong with that. The whole plot of the thing could have been better you could have had more than just basketball. You should have made a whole competition like the olympics or something like that to make it longer. You seem to have a probablem with some of your flashes to be very short and have no meaning what so ever.

Fits the title

Yes indeed very random again let me say very random. Animation for the most part was fair nothing special. A deccent not very well put together collab. Not much I can say about this since the title says what it is I can not give any suggestions just don't do it again I really don't think it's that great.


Well I don't really likes clocks glocks locks blocks or any other rip of it. This really wasn't a clock thing seeing as you didn't get the strawberry right nor any other fruit you had in the flash. Way to short I think you could make it better like have an OC clock and strawberry clock do a dance off. There was many of ways it could have been better. It still had good animation don't get me wrong it just wasn't really anything.

Room for improvment

Well not a bad idea, just the wrong sprite to use. I think some of the takes could have been more creative and funny. You should also add more to this to make it better. Some of the stuff was just kinda dumb and some was funnny, but you really didn't get the whole potential out of it. I can't wait to see another sprite collab.


This is the first flash you submitted all by yourself. I guess you're a big boy now yes you are yes you are.

Good like always why do I even review your stuff it's always good......well except for the Dialoge you could fix that. Music fit the scene animation good although the fight scene with his stats 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 was kind of dumb, but hey its yours I can't say anything about it.

Tootbook responds:

I have no idea who you used to be

There is no rest without vengeance

Age 36, Male


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